Pastor sola fabunmi
Pastor Sola Fabunmi is an anointed man, with uncommon revelation in God’s word. A gifted man of prayer in the order of Elijah, Pastor Fabunmi’s divine journey was revealed to him in a dream at an early age, though he did not fully comprehend it then. But in 1979, God visited His beloved again, and made the vision plain to him as on a tablet. And like Habakkuk 2:2&3, he wrote down the detail and has since been running with it in an unstoppable speed.
Pastor Fabunmi’s assignment is divine, God has been confirming His word with signs and wonders in the life of His servant. Consequently, his initial prayer ministry, Tree of Life, like a mustard seed has grown to an oak over the years that by November 2009 it blossomed into a fully established church parish, City of Faith, under the internationally renowned Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). City of Faith today has, within a short span, become a powerhouse of prayer, signs, and wonders where souls are won to Christ, and the captives are let loose to the fullness of their destinies.
A man of effectual prayer, Pastor Fabunmi has authored a “must-read’’ book on prayer: Prayer-The Neglected Ministry of Jesus. He is also working on other inspiring books.
Pastor Fabunmi is married to his heartthrob, Toyin, fondly called ABIBI (my heart) the beautiful, cheerful First Lady of COF.